Publication Guide
Publishing Guide Resources – Elsevier Publishing Campus
The Elsevier Publishing Campus is an online platform offering free lectures, interactive training and professional advice. Perhaps you are interested in writing a journal article or submitting a book proposal; learning how to conduct peer review for a high impact journal; understanding research and publishing ethics or writing a successful grant application, whatever it may be we have the resources to help you achieve your goals.
Connect with Scopus experts through our Scopus webinar series
Our webinars cover topics relevant to both Scopus users and librarians. Learn about best practices, content selection and coverage, metrics to track and understand research impact, and more.
Emerald Publishing – For Author and Researcher Guide
Use the For Authors section to find information on all aspects of writing. Get practical tips and guidance on how to get your – or your students’ – work published and maximize dissemination. Emerald’s Research Zone is designed to provide advice and support on how to keep up to date with the latest research and developments.
Content Policy and Journal Selection Process
Journal Metrics and Score
Predatory Publishers and Journals
Content updated : 19-01-2018
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